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Rebranding RFP Q&A

Questions received to date

Question:How many agencies were invited to participate in this RFP process?

Answer: 19 firms from around the country were invited to participate.

Question: What led StolenYouth to include us in this opportunity? 

Answer: We included firms that came recommended by people we trust who are familiar with the industry. 

Question: Is there a defined budget range for this project?

Answer: Transparently, this is not work StolenYouth originally budgeted for 2025. For this reason, there is not a defined budget and we understand that some firms will, therefore, choose not to respond. We understand.  

This work IS something we need to do soon, though, for a variety of reasons, and we will find the money to do it.  It is also important to us to find the right partner for this effort; cost is not the only factor we will consider. 

However, as a nonprofit, cost does play an important role. We encourage creative cost solutions and will gladly think outside the box with you to find them. 

Question: The Zoom link for the Discovery Call registration isn't working properly.

Yeah...that's our bad. 

We fixed it! 

Question: Does the team have a date in mind for the launch of the new brand?

We know we will keep the existing branding through our luncheon on May 6th. The only firm deadline after that is the launch of our curriculum with the start of the 2025-2026 school year, which generally begins just after Labor Day in Washington state. Obviously we will need to have new branding in place before we can finalize the curricular materials, so likely by mid-July. 

Question: Are you looking for a new tagline as well as a name?

We are open to keeping, adjusting, or replacing the existing tagline, or even doing away with it! We trust that you will help us make those decisions.

Question: In the RFP, it’s stated that “…selected partner should have expertise in nonprofit branding, website design, and messaging strategy.” However, website design is not explicitly listed, are you looking for website design as a part of this RFP?

We’re not experts in rebranding, but we think having website design expertise might be important for this effort, whether we are merely adjusting our current website or considering a full redesign, so we included that. We welcome a conversation about best practice, keeping in mind our budget constraints.

Question: Are there specific reasons the name is needing an update - are there issues with it beyond its applicability to the new education and prevention programs?

As awareness of child sex trafficking and exploitation has grown in the years since we were founded, there has been a significant evolution in how we talk about the issue. The language and imagery we use impact both public perception and how survivors view their own experiences, and we feel the time is right to shift from a deficit mindset that implies something has been lost or stolen (perhaps forever) to an optimistic mindset that sees a better world for children through our work.

Question: What is the percentage contribution of different revenue streams, eg, individual donor, foundations, corporations, and grants/government?

StolenYouth currently receives no government funding. Our revenue primarily comes from individual donors (78%), foundations (11%), and corporations (11%).

Question: Can you speak to the key challenges in reaching the at risk population with the brand and its message, as well as its new programming? Are there specific barriers we should be aware of when it comes to reaching and resonating with this population in the program?

Populations at high risk of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation include BIPOC children and youth, youth experiencing homelessness or foster care, LGBTQIA+ youth, indigenous and immigrant youth, children and youth with disabilities, and other marginalized groups. We face all the same challenges and barriers reaching these groups as anyone does, with the notable addition of a complicated subject matter—sex—that comes with its own cultural nuances that will be important to be aware of. 

Question: Do you have general counsel or another attorney to complete TM risk assessment and final registration?


Question: The RFP asks for a “simple approach” to assessing the brand’s strengths & weaknesses, aside from the stakeholder interviews, do you have any past research or studies?

We have some informal feedback from our community. 

Question: Is StolenYouth the organization's original name?


Question: Are you able to provide an audit of all branded materials you have currently?

Yes, we anticipate that this will be part of the process.

Question: Are you able to provide a general list of the types of educational materials you anticipate needing to create as part of the curriculum?

For the initial rollout we expect to create downloadable lesson plans, handouts, activities, and presentations as well as professional development materials. Long term we envision creating videos, possibly including animation, interactive online materials, and more.

Question: What design capabilities and programs do you currently use to create new updated brand materials?

Internally, we use Canva and the Microsoft Office suite of products for our day-to-day needs as well as some use of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Acrobat. When we have a project beyond our internal capabilities, we work with a few different graphic designers and a film maker.

Question: How do you currently communicate with donors and community members?

Email (including our newsletter), social media, letters, in-person meetings, at our events, through our website.

Question: For the final Interviews/Discussions, do you envision this being a presentation or more of a Q&A?

We will ask finalists to take the lead on how they would like to use the time.

Question: Are you open to working with agencies outside Washington? How about outside the US?

Outside of Washington state, yes -- we can work with any US-based agency. Never having contracted outside the US, we can't give a definitive answer to the second question. We'd have to understand the implications before saying yes.

Question: What is most important to you in an agency partner?

Creativity, generosity, professionalism, high attention to detail, willingness to drive, responsiveness, honesty, integrity, flexible but not wishy-washy, accountability, openness, and fun!

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