Prevention Through Education
The best way to stop child sex trafficking is to prevent it in the first place. We can begin to do this through education. StolenYouth is actively working with partners to develop educational materials for children, parents/caregivers and teachers. As materials are developed, you'll find them here.
Providing Sex Trafficking Education in Schools
StolenYouth is partnering with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Washington State to develop a sex trafficking prevention curriculum that will be available to all Washington State classrooms in the Fall of 2025.

Education for Parents/Caregivers
StolenYouth is in the process of developing educational materials/toolkits for parents and caregivers - to help them protect their children from sex trafficking and online predation.
Preventing Online Grooming
Predators know how much time young people spend online, so they they've started hanging out there as well. "Groomers" (or online predators) target children as young as six through social media and gaming platforms. They pose as peers and elicit personal information. It's important for parents and teachers to understand these risks and talk with their children about them.