Survivor Council
StolenYouth's Survivor Council is dedicated to ensuring we keep those we serve at the front and center of our work. This council serves as an advisory council to the Board of Directors and reviews our programs and work from a survivor perspective.
StolenYouth is currently building a Survivor Council.
Anyone you identifies as a survivor of sex trafficking is encouraged to apply
To apply, please fill out this form by March 28, 2025
More about the Survivor Council
StolenYouth is embarking on a new initiative in 2025. We have formally updated our mission statement (to prevent child sexual exploitation and trafficking through education, advocacy, and empowerment) and are moving into the prevention through education space. To begin, we have partnered with the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and are working to create an educational curriculum that will fulfill an unfunded mandate from 2014, which requires education around the prevention of sex trafficking. Our program will allow educators to choose from a diverse bank of free lessons to meet this requirement in a way that best aligns with the needs and capacity of themselves, their students, and their communities.
We are scheduled to pilot this educational program in approximately ten schools this May-June. We will retool, revise, etc. over the Summer and will launch our program in Washington public schools in September.
This is a big undertaking, and we realize we have much to learn and do. StolenYouth has a new team in place and a new mission statement, and we've spent the past few months seeking candid feedback about how we can do and be better.
Two key things we've learned so far - and that we're really taking to heart - are that we need a more diverse set of voices and more survivor input/involvement.
It's important to us that the educational curriculum we publish in the Fall be as strong as it can be. We also can't create that without the help and expertise of survivors. So - we're putting together a Survivor Council.
This is not a council that will formally meet as a group. Instead, we envision a group of 8-12 survivors on whom we can call individually to share expertise, review draft materials, poke holes in our thinking, and help us create the best curriculum we can.
While reviewing materials and supporting this project will likely be council's initial priority, we imagine other tasks/activities may include providing feedback on our rebranding efforts, communication strategies, public-facing events, and language usage. We're looking for a diverse group of individuals who can offer advice, help keep us in check, push back when necessary, and provide guidance and honest feedback. We are (and I personally am) committed to hearing and learning from it.
We will, of course, pay our survivor council members for their time and expertise, and anticipate council activities requiring just a few hours of work per month.
Anyone who identifies as a survivor of sex trafficking is welcome to apply.
Council members will be offered as much or as little public exposure as they'd like.
Application Deadline: March 28, 2025
Thank you for your time and consideration!