Chief Napper & Mascot
Originally from Whitefish, Montana, Watson is StolenYouth's mascot. An 80-lb golden retriever that is neither golden nor retrieves, Watson is skilled in napping, snuggling, eating and pooping. He particularly enjoys eating things he shouldn't (preferably directly off the ground), and sitting on people's feet.
A mainstay in the StolenYouth office, Watson provides guidance on the most comfortable spots on the team couch to sit, and spends his days shedding on the floor until tumbleweeds of fur float carelessly across the floor.
His takes a few walks a day, but doesn't really walk. Instead - his walks are a long series of stops so he can sniff every other dog who has recently passed by and peed.
His favorite toy is a white stuffed lamb that is the size of a human toddler, creatively named "Lambie", that he likes to show everyone he meets. But to be clear - you can't have it. Rather, you are expected to admire and praise both Watson AND Lambie.
Watson received his undergraduate dog training at a sleepaway camp in Bozeman, Montana, and his masters in obedience from the same school.
He is opposed to shock collars, prefers Orvis dog beds and Subarus, loves everyone he meets, and lives in Seattle, Washington, with his rather needy human. ​​