About Us






Funds raised through community and corporate partnerships and individual support enable vital services for trafficked youth, as well as research and prevention efforts. In applying for project funding, each of our organizations undertakes a thorough vetting process with our Grant Committee, analyzing their sustainability, effectiveness, financial efficiency, integrity and alignment with StolenYouth’s mission. Returning grantees must reapply for funding every year.

We are proud to announce our 2023-2024 Grant Recipients:

At this time, StolenYouth does not accept unsolicited proposals.




Our journey started with the award-winning book SOLD by Patricia McCormick.

SOLD tells the story of a Nepali girl sold into the brothels of India.

Inspired by what we learned from the book, some of us went to India to visit the NGOs doing the hard work on the ground.

There, we discovered that under the direst of
circumstances and with the humblest of resources, NGOs were making a difference in the lives of these girls.

Upon our return, we realized that we have a horrific child sex trafficking problem in our own backyard.

StolenYouth builds and invests in organizations working to dismantle the marketplace exploiting children for sex.

Our coalition is an innovative collaboration that combines the strength and creativity of service providers, business, policy and legal experts, and the public sector.

The Ginny Meisenbach Survivor Support Fund

In loving memory of our co-founder and dear friend, Ginny Meisenbach, StolenYouth established the Ginny Meisenbach Survivor Support Fund (The Ginny Fund), to carry on Ginny’s vision of supporting individual survivors through small but impactful grants. Since its inception in 2017, more than $110,000 has been granted through The Ginny Fund to empower sex trafficking survivors.

It doesn’t take a big gift to make a big impact — for example:

  • $50 covers the cost of groceries
  • $75 pays for a cellphone bill
  • $100 covers the cost of legal fees/fines
  • $250 alleviates cost of childcare
  • $500 pays for dental work
  • $1,000 pays for rent/safe housing

This life-changing support is made possible thanks to our generous community. You can change a life today.

Learn more about applying for a grant from The Ginny Fund.

Board and Staff


StolenYouth Board 

kara hurst bio slide
Patty Fleischmann bio slide
paula clapp bio slide
Jennifer Reibman bio slide
Robin Medin
ben gauen bio slide
Alan Brown bio slide
Board + Staff Bios for Website Slider
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StolenYouth Staff

Jill MacCorkle
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A full list of our financials including our funding breakdown and past IRS Form 990s, are available at the link below


2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2018 IRS form 990

2019 IRS form 990